Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Thank you, Skype!

A week ago, I got a mail from my mom. She usually sends me magazines and newspaper articles from Indonesia. "To keep you updated", that's what she said.

It's amazing where ever I am, I'm not disconnected with my friends and families. Thanks to Skype, MSN, facebook and postal service! :) Using Skype, I can call my mom 2-3 times a week since now we only have 5 hours difference. No need to buy calling cards. I use Skype Credit. It's more cheaper. She needs to get a better internet service though so we can talk for free!

That's a lot of stamps! Rp. 68,000! Haha...Thanks, ma.

Skyping (haha) with Yvonne. It was her birthday, so I called her and we blew the candles together! Happy Birthday! The cake was "great", Pong!

I had a long weekend. I attended a 3-day conference, Ethics and Economy conference hosted by the Goethe Institute and Copenhagen Business School. After the last day of conference (yes, i was really tired-my brain received too many information), I went to my favorite place, my kitchen. I made crepes (with nutella) and berry sauce. It's easy, quick and yummy. I need to find the danish word for whole wheat flour. I have to make a healthy version of these crepes if I continue to have this as my snack (or dinner).

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